Dialogue and Innovation

Dialogue is at the heart of accelerating sustainable development. Businesses should drive dialogues that lead to innovation.

Dialogue Sponsoring Opportunities for Business
Dialogue at UN event: Dialogue between the bright minds of youth activists and influential business leaders
Due to the prestigious accreditation from the UN Environment Program and UN ECOSOC, the 2022 Initiative Foundation holds the unique privilege of proposing exceptional side events at various UN meetings. Moreover, as strong supporters of fostering dialogue between the bright minds of youth activists and influential business leaders, the foundation has the potential to provide passes to representatives who sponsor invigorating meetings on accelerating sustainable development.
During a sponsored dialogue event and our collaboratively generated gathering, a dedicated representative from the 2022 Initiative Foundation adeptly facilitates and meticulously documents the dynamic dialogues, serving as the gracious host for both sponsors and aspiring youth. This extraordinary concept powerfully fuels the potential for businesses to fast-track sustainable development through thought-provoking conversations that spark innovation. By nurturing integrative solutions and birthing novel ideas through these discussions, invaluable questions arise, leading us to uncover remarkable concepts and effective pathways toward a better future.
Since the UN High-Level meeting Stockholm+50, the 2022 Initiative Foundation has been unwaveringly committed to collaboration with youth from around the globe. We tirelessly raise funds to empower their participation in significant High-Level UN meetings, ensuring their voices are heard loud and clear.
Dialogue between the bright minds of youth activists and influential business leaders
2022 Initiative Foundation, a strong supporter of fostering dialogue between the bright minds of youth activists and influential business leaders, is dedicated to providing safe spaces for dialogue. Our success at the UN High-Level meeting Stockhol+50 has underscored the urgent need for accelerated dialogue between business and youth.
Sponsor invigorating meetings with us to accelerate sustainable development through co-innovation and inspiration—the 2022 Initiative Foundation collaboration model. Businesses can become dialogue drivers and actively seek integrative approaches and solutions.
In a sponsored dialogue event, our dedicated representative adeptly facilitates and meticulously documents dynamic discussions, serving as the gracious host for sponsors and aspiring youth. This extraordinary concept empowers businesses to fast-track sustainable development through thought-provoking conversations that spark innovation. By nurturing integrative solutions and birthing novel ideas, invaluable questions arise, leading us toward a better future.
Join us and be part of the solution.
Since the UN High-Level meeting Stockholm+50, the 2022 Initiative Foundation has been unwaveringly committed to collaboration with youth from around the globe. We tirelessly raise funds to empower their participation in significant High-Level UN meetings, ensuring their voices are heard loud and clear.

Opportunities for Youth Representatives
Apply for Donations
Currently, there are no donation applications open.
Apply for UN event passes
Please click on the link below and fill out the form. The fom must be filled 1 month prior to the event you are applying for the pass for.
Process steps
Before event:
1) Application (1 month in advance)
2) Board review of the application (1-2 week from submission)
3a) Official letter from Foundation on Desicion and Signing the Agreement of Commitment (2 weeks prior to the event)
3b) Representation from 2022 Initiative Foundation on Representation at the Event (2 weeks prior to the event)
4) Sign up at UN webpage for the event (Support from 2022 Initiative Foundation Representative)
During the UN Event
5) Daily reports on activities and participation at the UN event
After UN Event
6) Final report including images, resolutions, participation, and ideas for development (1 week after event ends)
Application for Sponsored Dialogue Events
Currently there are no sponsored events to apply for

Dialogue Sponsoring Opportunities for Governmental bodies and NGOs
Dialogue at UN event: Dialogue between the bright minds of youth activists and influential government leaders
Due to the prestigious accreditation from the UN Environment Program and UN ECOSOC, the 2022 Initiative Foundation is uniquely privileged to propose exceptional side events at various UN meetings. Moreover, as strong supporters of fostering dialogue between the bright minds of youth activists and influential government leaders, the foundation has the potential to provide passes to representatives who sponsor invigorating meetings on accelerating sustainable development.
During a sponsored dialogue event and our collaboratively generated gathering, a dedicated representative from the 2022 Initiative Foundation adeptly facilitates and meticulously documents the dynamic dialogues, serving as the gracious host for both sponsors and aspiring youth. This extraordinary concept powerfully fuels the potential for governments to fast-track sustainable development through thought-provoking conversations that spark innovation. By nurturing integrative solutions and birthing novel ideas through these discussions, invaluable questions arise, leading us to uncover remarkable concepts and effective pathways toward a better future.
Since the UN High-Level meeting Stockholm+50, the 2022 Initiative Foundation has been unwaveringly committed to collaboration with youth from around the globe. We tirelessly raise funds to empower their participation in significant High-Level UN meetings, ensuring their voices are heard loud and clear.
Dialogue between the bright minds of youth activists and influential government leaders
2022 Initiative Foundation, a strong supporter of fostering dialogue between the bright minds of youth activists and influential government leaders, is dedicated to providing safe spaces for dialogue. Our success at the UN High-Level meeting Stockhol+50 has underscored the urgent need for accelerated dialogue between governments and youth.
Sponsor invigorating meetings with us to accelerate sustainable development through co-innovation and inspiration—the 2022 Initiative Foundation collaboration model. Government can become dialogue drivers and actively seek integrative approaches and solutions.
In a sponsored dialogue event, our dedicated representative adeptly facilitates and meticulously documents dynamic discussions, serving as the gracious host for sponsors and aspiring youth. This extraordinary concept empowers governments to fast-track sustainable development through thought-provoking conversations that spark innovation. By nurturing integrative solutions and birthing novel ideas, invaluable questions arise, leading us toward a better future.
Join us and be part of the solution.
Since the UN High-Level meeting Stockholm+50, the 2022 Initiative Foundation has been unwaveringly committed to collaboration with youth from around the globe. We tirelessly raise funds to empower their participation in significant High-Level UN meetings, ensuring their voices are heard loud and clear.

Why Dialogue?
The Power of Deep Listening
The importance of a good dialogue holds the potential to bring people together. Dialogues between, e.g., Governmental leaders, business leaders, and climate activists have generated connections between groups of people and actors traditionally seen as highly polarized. By connecting on things that matter and opening up to one another, we can enter a dialogue rather than debate.
Encouraging integration and sensemaking (New Sense)
In many cases, sensemaking is linked to sensegiving. New sense occurs when actors engage in sensegiving and receive this information to make sense of complex issues. These events and dialogues are efficient ways of doing exactly that, according to Dr Tina Karme’s recent research. Research has found that dialogue between different actors is one of the most essential aspects and one of the most significant challenges in forming new understandings. However, it holds also the most significant opportunity.
Integration and New Opportunities
Complexity provides countless opportunities if we move beyond resolving tensions through compromises. New thoughts and pathways emerge in a sensemaking process, and the more inclusive and diverse we can be in finding actors that participate, the better we can explore alternative pathways.